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Libyen | Afrika

ZIF kompakt

Ein Jahr Operation Irini: erste Lehren, neue Chancen | 03/2021

EUNAVFOR MED Irini: Neue EU-Militäroperation im Mittelmeer | 05/2020

ZIF kompakt spezial | Diese Woche im Sicherheitsrat: UNSMIL | 09/2019

EUNAVFOR MED: Schleuserbekämpfung im Mittelmeer | 08/2015

Verstärkter EU-Einsatz vor Libyen: Ausweitung von EUNAVFOR MED | 06/2016


Aktuelle Einsätze

European Union Military Operation in the Mediterranean
Council Decision: 03/20
Zum Einsatz

European Union Border Assistance Mission in Libya (EU)
Mandatiert seit: 05/13
Zum Einsatz

United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UN-geführt)
Mandatiert seit: 09/11
Zum Einsatz


'No military solution': World powers urge Libya de-escalation

France, Britain, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the United States and Italy have called for an immediate end of hostilities around the Libyan capital, Tripoli, and warned that "terrorist groups" are attempting to exploit the country's security vacuum.

Source: Al Jazeera
UN agencies call for resumption of EU naval rescue operations

Two United Nations agencies have called on the European countries to resume rescue operations in the Mediterranean Sea and to stop refugee and migrant returns to Libya, where they face dire conditions and are at risk due to the ongoing conflict. … The European Union's Operation Sophia ended its naval patrols in the Mediterranean in March due to disagreements on how rescued individuals should be divided between EU member states.

Source: Al Jazeera
WHO: More than 1,000 killed in battle for Libya's Tripoli

Total of 1,048, including civilians, dead and 5,558 wounded in three months of clashes for the capital, UN agency says.

Source: Al Jazeera
UN tells other countries to stay out of Libya

The United Nations Security Council condemned a deadly air strike on a migrant detention centre in Libya, called for warring parties to commit to a ceasefire and urged other countries not to intervene or exacerbate the conflict.

Source: defenceWeb
UN Security Council calls for Libya ceasefire

The United Nations Security Council has called on Libya's warring parties to commit to a ceasefire after a deadly air raid on a detention centre for migrants and refugees near the capital, Tripoli.

Source: Al Jazeera
Libya detention centre airstrike could amount to a war crime says UN

An airstrike on a detention centre in Tripoli that killed scores of migrants and refugees “deserves more than condemnation”, UN agencies said on Wednesday, as both the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the head of the UN mission in Libya (UNSMIL), insisted that it may amount to a war crime. […] the UN chief called for an independent investigation, "to ensure that the perpetrators are brought to justice".

Source: UN News
UN-backed government 'retakes' key town of Gharyan

Libya's internationally recognised government says it has retaken the strategic town of Gharyan following clashes with insurgent forces. Gharyan was the main supply base for an offensive on the capital, Tripoli, by fighters led by Gen Khalifa Haftar.

Source: BBC
Libya’s global civil war – policy brief

[…] This paper examines recent developments in the conflict and analyses the positions and interests of the many non-European foreign states that have intervened in Libya. Focusing on attitudes towards Haftar, the paper explores various actors’ motives for, and modes of, intervention, as well as the impact of their activities on the country.

Source: European Council on Foreign Relations
Libya parliament chief allied to Haftar rules out talks before Tripoli captured

The head of the Libyan parliament aligned with eastern forces trying to seize the capital from the internationally-backed government said on Thursday there could be no peace talks until they had captured the city.

Source: Reuters
Why interim government supports Hifter in Libya

[…] In an interview with Al-Monitor, the foreign minister of the interim Libyan government, Abdul Hadi al-Hweij, spoke about the reasons behind his government’s support for the Libyan National Army (LNA) in the battle for Tripoli, the future scenario in case the LNA takes control of the capital and how to bring Libya back to the political dialogue table.

Source: AL-Monitor