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Libyen | Afrika

ZIF kompakt

Ein Jahr Operation Irini: erste Lehren, neue Chancen | 03/2021

EUNAVFOR MED Irini: Neue EU-Militäroperation im Mittelmeer | 05/2020

ZIF kompakt spezial | Diese Woche im Sicherheitsrat: UNSMIL | 09/2019

EUNAVFOR MED: Schleuserbekämpfung im Mittelmeer | 08/2015

Verstärkter EU-Einsatz vor Libyen: Ausweitung von EUNAVFOR MED | 06/2016


Aktuelle Einsätze

European Union Military Operation in the Mediterranean
Council Decision: 03/20
Zum Einsatz

European Union Border Assistance Mission in Libya (EU)
Mandatiert seit: 05/13
Zum Einsatz

United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UN-geführt)
Mandatiert seit: 09/11
Zum Einsatz


Haftar orders troops to 'advance' to Tripoli

Eastern Libyan commander Khalifa Haftar ordered his troops to "advance" on the capital Tripoli in a video message published on Thursday after UN chief Antonio Guterres warned of the growing risk of violence.

Source: Middle East Eye
Tripoli government declares military alert

Libya's internationally recognized government, which controls the capital, Tripoli, declared a general military alert Wednesday after eastern forces said they were moving west, a statement said.

Source: VOA News
UN chief hopeful for Libya, after Quartet meeting in Tunis

Secretary-General António Guterres said he is hopeful for a solution to the eight-year long conflict in Libya, after a high-level meeting in Tunis, Tunisia, on Saturday with officials from the Arab League, the European Union and the African Union -- the group known as the 'Libya Quartet.'

Source: UN News
EUNAVFOR MED Operation Sophia: mandate extended until 30 September 2019

The Council today extended the mandate of EUNAVFOR MED Operation Sophia until 30 September 2019. The Operation Commander has been instructed to suspend temporarily the deployment of the Operation's naval assets for the duration of this extension for operational reasons. … The Operation will continue to implement its mandate accordingly, strengthening surveillance by air assets as well as reinforcing support to the Libyan Coastguard and Navy in law enforcement tasks at sea through enhanced monitoring, including ashore, and continuation of training.

Source: EU Press Release
Can the AU–UN efforts in Libya pave the way for elections in 2019?

The AU Commission, together with the UN, are planning an international conference on reconciliation in Libya.

Source: ISS /PSC Report
EU weighs up awkward migration compromise on Mediterranean mission

The European Union on Tuesday was considering extending air patrols to search for migrants crossing the Mediterranean but withdrawing ships that could save them, a change in policy that reflects Europe’s growing aversion to irregular arrivals. The agreement would greatly weaken Operation Sophia’s role in saving lives in the sea where nearly 2,300 people perished last year, according to the United Nations.

Source: Reuters Africa
Libya stands at a ‘critical juncture’, UN mission head tells Security Council

Special Representative and head of the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) Ghassan Salamé, told Council members via videoconference from Tripoli, that the mission was working to both “prevent recent developments and tensions on the ground from escalating”, and “pivot to stability and a political compact” which would end the country’s crisis.

Source: UN News
UN chief hails Libyan leaders’ agreement to hold general election

An agreement by Libya’s Prime Minister and a key rival military leader to improve political stability across the country through new general elections, has been welcomed by the UN Secretary-General.

Source: UN News
UN says Haftar, Sarraj agree to hold Libya polls

Unity government leader Fayez al-Sarraj and rival strongman Khalifa Haftar meet in Abu Dhabi to agree on "the need to end the transitional phase through general elections".

Source: Middle East Online
UAE to host Libyan meeting to try reopen El Sharara oilfield - diplomats

The United Arab Emirates is bringing together players in Libya’s conflict and the state oil firm to try to reopen the El Sharara oilfield, the North African country’s biggest, diplomats and other sources said on Monday. The UAE is the biggest backer of Khalifa Haftar, a key figure and commander of the Libyan National Army (LNA) force, which this month took control of two oilfields in Libya’s south, El Sharara and the nearby El Feel facility.

Source: Reuters Africa