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Haiti | Südamerika und Karibik

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Polizei und Justiz im Rampenlicht in Nachfolgemission in Haiti | 10/2017


Aktuelle Einsätze

Multinational Security Support mission (MSS)
Mandatiert seit: 10/23
Zum Einsatz

United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti
Mandatiert seit: 06/19
Zum Einsatz


4 Protesters, 1 Journalist Killed During Rally

(Quelle: Washington Post) At least four demonstrators and a foreign journalist were killed by gunfire Sunday at a protest to demand that ousted president Jean-Bertrand Aristide be tried for corruption and fomenting violence. Witnesses said Aristide supporters had caused the violence, but that could not be confirmed.

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Aristide calls for ‘peaceful resistance'

(Quelle: Globe & Mail) In his first press conference in exile, Jean-Bertrand Aristide insisted Monday he was still president of Haiti and called for “peaceful resistance” against what he called the “occupation” of his homeland.

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UN multi-disciplinary assessment team scheduled to arrive on Tuesday

(Quelle: UN News) A United Nations multi-disciplinary team is scheduled to start arriving in Haiti tomorrow to assess what is needed for the stabilization force that the Security Council wants deployed within three months in the volatile Caribbean country, a UN spokesman said today.

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Canada commits troops

(Quelle: Globe & Mail) Canada will spend $38-million to send 450 military personnel to Haiti as part of an international force that Prime Minister Paul Martin promised will not abandon the troubled country. … He said the Canadian commitment will continue beyond a stabilization force, and could include money and personnel for policing, reconstruction and development.

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US faces mounting international fury over Aristide's 'forced' exit

(Quelle: Independent) South Africa added its voice last night to a growing international chorus questioning the circumstances surrounding Jean-Bertrand Aristide's departure from Haiti and demanded an investigation into allegations that the US forcibly removed a democratically elected president from office.

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Rebellen wollen Waffen niederlegen

(Quelle: Welt) Der haitianische Ministerpräsident Yvon Neptune hat am Mittwoch den Notstand für den Karibikstaat ausgerufen. Rebellenführer Guy Philippe, der die Festnahme Neptunes gefordert hatte, kündigte die Entwaffnung seiner Kämpfer an. … Die karibische Staatengemeinschaft CARICOM wird sich nicht an der UN-Schutztruppe für Haiti beteiligen. Die 15 Staaten umfassende Gemeinschaft protestiere damit gegen die Umstände, wie Aristide aus dem Amt getrieben wurde, erklärte der jamaikanische Ministerpräsident P.J. Patterson am Mittwoch nach einer Krisensitzung in Jamaika.

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Caricom draws South Africa into the loop over Haiti

(Quelle: Jamaica Observer) Caribbean Community (Caricom) leaders will resume their talks on the Haiti situation today, but it appeared last night that they were attempting to fashion a response to the overthrow of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in concert with South Africa, … . ... it was being surmised last night that the South Africans were being asked not only to provide an exile home for Aristide, but to make common cause with Caricom in responding to what regional leaders stopped just short of branding as a coup d'etat against Haiti's elected leader.

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Rumsfeld rechnet mit Entsendung von 5000 internationalen Soldaten

(Quelle: Deutsche Welle) Nach der Flucht von Aristide wächst in Haiti die Hoffnung auf eine Beruhigung der Lage. Die USA und Frankreich weisen Vorwürfe zurück, der Ex-Präsident sei entführt worden. … US-Verteidigungsminister Donald Rumsfeld rechnet mit der Entsendung von etwa 5000 internationalen Soldaten zur Stabilisierung der Lage in Haiti. Davon würden etwa 1500 bis 2000 Soldaten aus den USA kommen, sagte der Minister am Montag. Zur Zeit seien bereits 'einige Hundert' US-Soldaten in Haiti. Frankreich hat derzeit 50 Soldaten in Haiti stationiert, bis zu 300 sollen es werden.

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Training offered to Haiti police

(Quelle: Jamaica Gleaner) Police Commissioner Francis Forbes says the Jamaican Police Force is willing to assist in the training of Haitian police officers at the Police Academy, once conditions are back to normal in that country. 'We would gladly open our doors to assist in the training of senior police officers,' said Forbes, speaking in his capacity as president of the Association of Caribbean Commissioners of Police (ACCP).

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Aristide: US forced me to leave

(Quelle: BBC) The exiled former President of Haiti, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, has said that he was forced to leave his country. In interviews with US television and news agencies, he said he had been the victim of a 'coup d'etat'. He said he had signed documents relinquishing power because of fears that violence would erupt if he did not comply with the demands of US agents.

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