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ZIF intensifies cooperation with the European Security and Defense College (ESDC) in Brussels

| ZIF news
© ZIF | Per Isak Enström, ESDC, Irene-Maria Eich, ZIF

Established in 2005, the European Security and Defense College (ESDC) is a network of over 200 European training institutions with the mission to develop and promote a common understanding of CSDP (Common Security and Defense Policy) and CFSP (Common Foreign and Security Policy) among civilian and military personnel through education and training. In 2015, the Working Group on CSDP Missions and Operations related Training (WG-MOT) was established, one of several thematic subgroups of the Executive Academic Board of the European Security and Defense College (ESDC).

The WG-MOT deals with education and training directly related to CSDP missions and operations. It also strives for a coherent, interlocking, and standardized European training concept. Irene-Maria Eich, Training Officer at ZIF, was elected chair of WG-MOT this year. For five years, she was instrumental in the development of a coordinated pre-deployment policy and its corresponding training measures.

The "Pre-Deployment Training" (PDT), developed together with CSDP, the European Commission and European training partners, today offers a reliable fall-back alternative at European level when it comes to mandatory deployment preparation. From 2016 to 2021, Irene-Maria Eich was a Seconded National Expert (SNE) at the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) in Brussels.