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Western Sahara

Western Sahara | Africa

Current Operations

United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (UN-led)
Authorization date: 04/91
More Information


The forgotten refugees of Western Sahara

The conflict over Western Sahara has smoldered for more than 40 years. Morocco's offer of autonomy for the region is now on the negotiating table, but that's not enough for many of the Saharawis exiled in Algeria.

Source: DW
Aid, refugees, and peacekeeping at stake in new Western Sahara talks

Revived attempts to resolve one of the world’s least known conflicts will resume in Geneva this week as representatives from Morocco and the Polisario Front attend roundtable talks to discuss the future of Western Sahara, often referred to as the last colony in Africa, and home to tens of thousands of refugees.

Source: Irinnews
UN: new talks on Western Sahara expected in March

Morocco and the Polisario Front independence movement are expected to meet for the second round of talks on the conflict over the mineral-rich disputed territory of Western Sahara, a hopeful sign following the United Nations Security Council's call last year to speed up a solution to their 43-year dispute, UN diplomats said Tuesday.

Source: Al Jazeera