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Mali | Afrika

ZIF kompakt

MINUSMA 2023: In Zukunft größer, gleich groß (aber anders)
oder klein (und politisch)?
| 05/2023

EUTM 2022: Erzwungener Umzug von Bamako nach Niamey | 05/2022

MINUSMA 2022: Zwischen Söldnern und Sanktionen, Putschisten und Extremisten | 05/2022

ZIF kompakt spezial | Mali - Aktuelle Entwicklungen | 03/2022

MINUSMA 2021: Transition, Reform, Terror und Corona | 04/2021

EUTM Mali 2021: Erweiterter Einsatz in der Krisenregion | 04/2021

ZIF kompakt spezial | Diese Woche im Sicherheitsrat: MINUSMA | 06/2019

MINUSMA 2019: Stillstand im Norden, Krise in der Mitte von Mali | 05/2019

EUTM Mali 2019: Erfolgreich im Rahmen des Mandats | 05/2019

MINUSMA 2018: Wahlen, Friedensprozess und Terroranschläge | 04/2018

MINUSMA: Die UN-Mission in Mali im Wahljahr 2018 | 11/2017

EUSTAMS Mali - Ein Novum im EU-Krisenmanagement  | 09/2017

Kritische Zeiten für Stabilisierung: die Bundeswehr liefert einen wichtigen Beitrag zur UN-Friedensmission in Mali | 01/2017

MINUSMA in Mali: Europäisches Engagement bei der UN für Frieden im Sahel | 06/2015

EU-Missionen in Afrika: EUCAP Sahel Niger und EUCAP Sahel Mali | 05/2014


Aktuelle Einsätze

G5 Sahel Joint Force
Force conjointe du G5 Sahel / FC-G5S (Chad, Burkina Faso, Mauritania, Mali, Niger)
Beginn: 07/17
Zum Einsatz

UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (UN-geführt)
Mandatiert: 04/13 - 12/23
Zum Einsatz

EUCAP Sahel Mali
EU Capacity Building Mission in Mali (EU)
Mandatiert seit: 04/14
Zum Einsatz

African Union Mission to Mali und the Sahel (AU)
Mandatiert seit: 08/13
Zum Einsatz

EU Training Mission in Mali (EU)
Mandatiert seit: 01/13
Zum Einsatz


ISIL doubled territory it controls in Mali in less than a year: UN

UN experts say the armed group now controls rural areas in eastern Menaka and large parts of the Ansongo area in northern Gao.

Source: Al Jazeera
UN force leaves base in northern Mali early due to insecurity

The UN peacekeeping mission in Mali has brought forward its withdrawal from a base in the north of the country due to deteriorating security conditions. 

Source: RFI
Mali suspends issuance of visas to French nationals

In a statement, the (Malian Foreign) ministry said the move was reciprocal after it “learned, with surprise" through the press that the French Foreign Ministry classified Mali in the “red zone” on the grounds of “strong regional tensions.”

Source: Anadolu
Mali drops French as official language

With its new constitution, Mali has dropped French, which has been the country’s official language since 1960.

Source: africanews
The MINUSMA liquidation process unpacked

[…] UN transitions are always complex undertakings, but the difficulties inherent in the liquidation and reconfiguration of the UN presence in Mali will only be exacerbated given both the lack of preparation time and because of the tension with the host government.

Source: IPI Global Observatory
MINUSMA’s termination and the future of protection in Mali

Now that the United Nations (UN) Security Council has voted to end MINUSMA’s mandate and withdraw the mission within six months, civilians in Mali are at even greater risk of harm from violence. Despite its challenges, MINUSMA has played an important role in the protection of civilians (POC) in Mali.

Source: IPI Global Observatory
UK sanctions Wagner-linked officials in Mali, Sudan and CAR

The United Kingdom on Thursday announced sanctions of 13 individuals and businesses in the Central African Republic (CAR), Mali and Sudan with links to Russia’s Wagner paramilitary group, including one it described as the “right-hand man” of the group’s founder Yevgeny Prigozhin.

Source: Al Jazeera
The primacy of geopolitics: five lessons from the UN’s involvement in Mali

[…] The full consequences of MINUSMA’s rapid withdrawal remain to be seen, but some takeaways from the Mali case can already be drawn out.

Source: IPI Global Observatory
As peacekeeping exits Mali, the transition is a new opportunity for the UN

[…] In planning the MINUSMA exit over the next six months, there is a risk that the UN will become overly focused on the technical aspects of withdrawal, expending enormous energy and resources on the complicated logistics of moving a billion-dollar operation out. This would be a mistake. Instead, the UN should create a new strategic moment to influence Mali’s trajectory positively, treating the exit as a leverage point. 

Source: IPI Global Observatory
UN Security Council terminates Mali peacekeeping mission

The Security Council on Friday unanimously approved the complete withdrawal of UN peacekeeping forces in Mali, although it will take six months for the final “blue helmets” to depart.+

Source: UN News