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Mali | Afrika

ZIF kompakt

MINUSMA 2023: In Zukunft größer, gleich groß (aber anders)
oder klein (und politisch)?
| 05/2023

EUTM 2022: Erzwungener Umzug von Bamako nach Niamey | 05/2022

MINUSMA 2022: Zwischen Söldnern und Sanktionen, Putschisten und Extremisten | 05/2022

ZIF kompakt spezial | Mali - Aktuelle Entwicklungen | 03/2022

MINUSMA 2021: Transition, Reform, Terror und Corona | 04/2021

EUTM Mali 2021: Erweiterter Einsatz in der Krisenregion | 04/2021

ZIF kompakt spezial | Diese Woche im Sicherheitsrat: MINUSMA | 06/2019

MINUSMA 2019: Stillstand im Norden, Krise in der Mitte von Mali | 05/2019

EUTM Mali 2019: Erfolgreich im Rahmen des Mandats | 05/2019

MINUSMA 2018: Wahlen, Friedensprozess und Terroranschläge | 04/2018

MINUSMA: Die UN-Mission in Mali im Wahljahr 2018 | 11/2017

EUSTAMS Mali - Ein Novum im EU-Krisenmanagement  | 09/2017

Kritische Zeiten für Stabilisierung: die Bundeswehr liefert einen wichtigen Beitrag zur UN-Friedensmission in Mali | 01/2017

MINUSMA in Mali: Europäisches Engagement bei der UN für Frieden im Sahel | 06/2015

EU-Missionen in Afrika: EUCAP Sahel Niger und EUCAP Sahel Mali | 05/2014


Aktuelle Einsätze

G5 Sahel Joint Force
Force conjointe du G5 Sahel / FC-G5S (Chad, Burkina Faso, Mauritania, Mali, Niger)
Beginn: 07/17
Zum Einsatz

UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (UN-geführt)
Mandatiert: 04/13 - 12/23
Zum Einsatz

EUCAP Sahel Mali
EU Capacity Building Mission in Mali (EU)
Mandatiert seit: 04/14
Zum Einsatz

African Union Mission to Mali und the Sahel (AU)
Mandatiert seit: 08/13
Zum Einsatz

EU Training Mission in Mali (EU)
Mandatiert seit: 01/13
Zum Einsatz


UN mission leaves 9 of 12 Mali bases in forced withdrawal

The United Nations peacekeeping mission in Mali on Saturday said it had left a ninth of its 12 bases as part of its forced withdrawal from the junta-led country battling separatist and jihadi rebellions.

Source: VOA News
Is Kidal's recapture a step toward peace?

Mali's army has recaptured the strategically important northern town of Kidal from an alliance of predominantly Tuareg armed groups known as the Cadre Strategique Permanent, or permanent strategic framework. … The rebel groups, who have controlled Kidal since driving out the army in 2014, admitted they withdrew for tactical reasons after having fought an army advance for several days. 

Source: DW
Mali’s army says Kidal recaptured from rebels

Mali’s army said Tuesday it has retaken the northern city of Kidal from rebels, after a raid that left many insurgents dead. The reported capture, not confirmed by independent observers, would mark a symbolic victory for Mali’s army as they have been virtually absent from the city, with ethnic Tuareg rebels controlling much of the northern part of the country.

Source: VOA News
Translators for German UN troops in Mali fear Taliban-style fate

The 19 interpreters wrote to the German government on 7 August asking for protection as the jihadist groups that operate in northern Mali regard those who work with the UN as traitors.

Source: BBC
At least 22 UN peacekeepers injured in retreat from northern Mali base

UN says it is the sixth incident since the peacekeepers left their base in northern Kidal on October 31.

Source: Al Jazeera
UN peacekeepers leave strategic camp in northern Mali

U.N. soldiers Tuesday left a camp in the strategic town of Kidal in Mali's volatile north, which has been wracked by jihadist and separatist violence, several sources in the peacekeeping mission told AFP.

Source: VOA News
Government urged to support safe withdrawal of UN Mission

[…] “The UN underscores the responsibility of the Malian Transitional Government for the safety and security of peacekeepers and calls on it to extend all necessary cooperation to facilitate MINUSMA’s withdrawal,” the global body said in a note to correspondents issued on Sunday.

Source: UN News
UN voices concern over obstacles to Mali mission’s orderly withdrawal

Heightened tensions and the increasingly hostile presence of armed groups in northern Mali are likely to impede the departure of the UN Stabilization Mission there (MINUSMA), the UN said in a note to correspondents issued on Saturday.

Source: UN News
Army and separatist rebels clash in fresh fighting

Tuareg rebels in northern Mali claim to have seized another Malian army base, the fourth since August. The escalation of violence coincides with the ongoing withdrawal of the UN stabilization force from the country.

Source: allAfrica
Mali junta delays February presidential election for 'technical reasons'

Mali’s ruling junta on Monday announced a delay to a presidential election scheduled for February that was aimed at returning civilian leaders to power in the jihadist-hit West African nation.

Source: France24