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Mali | Afrika

ZIF kompakt

MINUSMA 2023: In Zukunft größer, gleich groß (aber anders)
oder klein (und politisch)?
| 05/2023

EUTM 2022: Erzwungener Umzug von Bamako nach Niamey | 05/2022

MINUSMA 2022: Zwischen Söldnern und Sanktionen, Putschisten und Extremisten | 05/2022

ZIF kompakt spezial | Mali - Aktuelle Entwicklungen | 03/2022

MINUSMA 2021: Transition, Reform, Terror und Corona | 04/2021

EUTM Mali 2021: Erweiterter Einsatz in der Krisenregion | 04/2021

ZIF kompakt spezial | Diese Woche im Sicherheitsrat: MINUSMA | 06/2019

MINUSMA 2019: Stillstand im Norden, Krise in der Mitte von Mali | 05/2019

EUTM Mali 2019: Erfolgreich im Rahmen des Mandats | 05/2019

MINUSMA 2018: Wahlen, Friedensprozess und Terroranschläge | 04/2018

MINUSMA: Die UN-Mission in Mali im Wahljahr 2018 | 11/2017

EUSTAMS Mali - Ein Novum im EU-Krisenmanagement  | 09/2017

Kritische Zeiten für Stabilisierung: die Bundeswehr liefert einen wichtigen Beitrag zur UN-Friedensmission in Mali | 01/2017

MINUSMA in Mali: Europäisches Engagement bei der UN für Frieden im Sahel | 06/2015

EU-Missionen in Afrika: EUCAP Sahel Niger und EUCAP Sahel Mali | 05/2014


Aktuelle Einsätze

G5 Sahel Joint Force
Force conjointe du G5 Sahel / FC-G5S (Chad, Burkina Faso, Mauritania, Mali, Niger)
Beginn: 07/17
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UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (UN-geführt)
Mandatiert: 04/13 - 12/23
Zum Einsatz

EUCAP Sahel Mali
EU Capacity Building Mission in Mali (EU)
Mandatiert seit: 04/14
Zum Einsatz

African Union Mission to Mali und the Sahel (AU)
Mandatiert seit: 08/13
Zum Einsatz

EU Training Mission in Mali (EU)
Mandatiert seit: 01/13
Zum Einsatz


Sahel conflict escalating

More than 60 civilians died in tit-for-tat clashes between communities in northern Burkina Faso recently, government said, the latest inter-communal violence afflicting West Africa’s Sahel region. Burkina and neighbouring Mali have seen a spike in ethnic clashes fuelled by Islamist militants seeking to extend influence over the Sahel, an arid region between Africa’s northern Sahara desert and its southern savannas.

Source: defenceWeb
‘Address root causes’ of instability in Mali through ‘aid and support’ urges UN chief

Appearing before the Security Council on Friday, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said that the only way to prevent increased violence and instability in Mali is to tackle root causes such as grinding poverty; climate change and competition for resources; underdevelopment, and a fundamental lack of opportunities for young people.

Source: UN News
UN to investigate massacre of 157 Malian villagers

The United Nations has dispatched human rights experts to central Mali to investigate a weekend massacre of at least 157 villagers seen as one of the worst acts of bloodshed in a country beset by ethnic violence. The attack, in which women and children were burned in their homes by gunmen, escalated a conflict between Dogon hunters and Fulani herders that killed hundreds of civilians in 2018 and is spreading across the Sahel, the arid region between the Sahara desert to the north and Africa's savannas to the south.

Source: Reuters AlertNet
Mali’s ‘self-defence’ groups must face justice, after deadly intercommunal attacks

Mali’s authorities have been urged by the UN to provide justice for the victims and survivors of attacks by so-called self-defence groups, responsible for horrific intercommunal violence in central Mali, after a weekend assault that claimed the lives of more than 150 people, including some 50 children.

Source: UN News
Mali's security crisis: A cycle of exploitation and corruption

The brutal massacre over the weekend of 154 Fulani men, women and children in central Mali once again drew the world's attention to a once peaceful state now dogged by ongoing violence. The massacre took place as a delegation from the United Nations Security Council visited the unstable Sahel region to assess the security situation amid the threat of Islamic extremist groups.

Source: DW
Al Qaeda affiliate claims Mali army base attack

A Mali-based al Qaeda affiliate has claimed responsibility for an attack on an army base that killed 23 Malian soldiers last week, its media arm said in a statement on Friday, citing violence against Fulani herdsmen as the motive.

Source: defenceWeb
At least 16 dead as attackers storm Mali army camp

At least 16 soldiers have been killed in a raid on an army camp in central Mali's Mopti region, two local councillors in the area where the attack happened said.

Source: Al Jazeera
In militarised Mali, humanitarian responders say aid is an afterthought

[…] As needs rise, aid groups say their ability to respond is being hamstrung by an increasingly militarised security landscape marked by confusion between military and humanitarian actors, shifting conflict dynamics, and funding gaps that are leaving displaced people like Guindo sick and starving.

Source: Irinnews
As peace efforts falter, violence in central Mali spirals further out of control

[…] The recent wave of violence comes despite stepped-up efforts to end the unrest here, including peace agreements between communities, ceasefire commitments, airstrikes by French forces, presidential visits, and a government-backed demobilisation, disarmament, and reintegration, or DDR, scheme that has just got going.

Source: Irinnews