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Kosovo | Europa

ZIF kompakt

Kosovo Force 2023: Flagge zeigen in der Zeitenwende | 05/2023

15 Jahre Republik Kosovo: Zähes Ringen um die normative Macht des Faktischen | 02/2023

Kosovo Force 2022: Stabilität sichern, Eskalationen abschrecken 06/2022

Kosovo Force (KFOR) 2021: Stabilitätsgarant im dynamischen Umfeld 05/2021

Kosovo Force (KFOR): Weithin erfolgreich, weiterhin nötig 05/2018

Prüfung der EU-Rechtsstaatsförderung im Kosovo 11/2012


Aktuelle Einsätze

EULEX Kosovo
EU Rule of Law Mission Kosovo (EU)
Mandatiert seit: 02/08
Zum Einsatz

OSCE Mission in Kosovo
(OSCE Long-Term Missions)
Mandatiert seit: 07/99
Zum Einsatz

UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UN-Geführt)
Mandatiert seit: 06/99
Zum Einsatz

Kosovo Force (UN-Mandatiert)
Mandatiert seit: 06/99
Zum Einsatz


Kosovo in 2024: Kurti in race against time to deliver on real problems

As Albin Kurti’s mandate as Prime Minister enters its final year, his cabinet is under pressure to start delivering on concrete problems, as dissatisfaction from several quarters mounts.

Source: Balkan Insight (Paywall)
Kosovo charges four with terrorism over election office bombing in North

One year after a bomb attack on election commission offices in the North, the Kosovo Prosecution has indicted four people on terrorism charges.

Source: Balkan Insight
Kosovo Serbs in North start complex process for mayors’ dismissal

Kosovo Serbs in three out of four municipalities in the north have submitted requests to start the process of removing their disputed mayors via citizens' petitions.

Source: Balkan Insight
Smoke bombs thrown as war crime court president visits Kosovo

Smoke bombs were thrown and six protesters arrested as they tried to prevent the president of the Hague-based Kosovo Specialist Chambers war crimes court from holding an event in Pristina.

Source: Balkan Insight
Study reveals Kosovo’s inability to combat disinformation

A recent investigation by BIRN Kosovo has uncovered the extensive web of disinformation ensnaring Kosovo. The study sheds light on a disconcerting landscape where misleading narratives, fueled by foreign influences, not only strain relations between Kosovo Albanians and Serbs but also erode trust in NATO and EU integration efforts.

Source: Prishtina Insight
Specialized EULEX team arrived in the north of Kosovo

The team was deployed to strengthen the advisory and monitoring capacities of the European Union Rule of Law Mission in the province, EULEX announced today. … The deployment of this special team will initially last two months, with the possibility of continuation until, as announced by EULEX, "the mission creates a long-term advisory capacity of the police in the north of Kosovo."

Source: B92
The best deal Kosovo and Serbia can get

Kosovo prime minister Albin Kurti and Serbian president Aleksandar Vučić met separately with senior European leaders on the margins of the European Council in Brussels last week for discussions on a new US-EU plan to normalise their relations. Although the talks failed, the US-EU proposal, which would require

Source: EU Observer
Leaders of Serbia, Kosovo set for talks in Brussels aimed at normalizing relations

The leaders of Serbia and Kosovo are in Brussels to meet with top European Union officials -- though it remains to be determined whether they will meet with each other -- for talks aimed at normalizing relations between Belgrade and Pristina, a month after a deadly attack in the north of Kosovo by armed ethnic Serbs.

Source: RFE/RL
Dialogue and building trust, key to defusing tensions

Recent developments in Kosovo highlight ongoing security challenges and political tensions in the region, highlighting the need for effective dialogue and cooperation, the UN envoy for Kosovo said on Monday.

Source: UN News
NATO reinforcements arrive in Kosovo

The first contingent of two hundred British soldiers arrived in Kosovo on Friday (6 October 2023) to reinforce NATO’s Kosovo Force (KFOR) peacekeeping mission. 

Source: NATO