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Mali | Afrika

ZIF kompakt

MINUSMA 2023: In Zukunft größer, gleich groß (aber anders)
oder klein (und politisch)?
| 05/2023

EUTM 2022: Erzwungener Umzug von Bamako nach Niamey | 05/2022

MINUSMA 2022: Zwischen Söldnern und Sanktionen, Putschisten und Extremisten | 05/2022

ZIF kompakt spezial | Mali - Aktuelle Entwicklungen | 03/2022

MINUSMA 2021: Transition, Reform, Terror und Corona | 04/2021

EUTM Mali 2021: Erweiterter Einsatz in der Krisenregion | 04/2021

ZIF kompakt spezial | Diese Woche im Sicherheitsrat: MINUSMA | 06/2019

MINUSMA 2019: Stillstand im Norden, Krise in der Mitte von Mali | 05/2019

EUTM Mali 2019: Erfolgreich im Rahmen des Mandats | 05/2019

MINUSMA 2018: Wahlen, Friedensprozess und Terroranschläge | 04/2018

MINUSMA: Die UN-Mission in Mali im Wahljahr 2018 | 11/2017

EUSTAMS Mali - Ein Novum im EU-Krisenmanagement  | 09/2017

Kritische Zeiten für Stabilisierung: die Bundeswehr liefert einen wichtigen Beitrag zur UN-Friedensmission in Mali | 01/2017

MINUSMA in Mali: Europäisches Engagement bei der UN für Frieden im Sahel | 06/2015

EU-Missionen in Afrika: EUCAP Sahel Niger und EUCAP Sahel Mali | 05/2014


Aktuelle Einsätze

G5 Sahel Joint Force
Force conjointe du G5 Sahel / FC-G5S (Chad, Burkina Faso, Mauritania, Mali, Niger)
Beginn: 07/17
Zum Einsatz

UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (UN-geführt)
Mandatiert: 04/13 - 12/23
Zum Einsatz

EUCAP Sahel Mali
EU Capacity Building Mission in Mali (EU)
Mandatiert seit: 04/14
Zum Einsatz

African Union Mission to Mali und the Sahel (AU)
Mandatiert seit: 08/13
Zum Einsatz

EU Training Mission in Mali (EU)
Mandatiert seit: 01/13
Zum Einsatz


L'ONU directement visée par le gouvernement malien dans une suite d'expulsions de ses représentants

Les autorités maliennes n'hésitent pas à renvoyer des représentants onusiens pour faire comprendre qu'elles ne tolèrent aucune critique, au niveau national et international, de leur politique pro-russe.

Source: Global Voices
Avoiding the trap of isolation

In a strategic shift, the Malian authorities have turned away from France and chosen Russia as their main military ally. Relations between Bamako and other Western and regional partners are also deteriorating. Mali and its partners should work to rebuild more balanced diplomatic relations.

Source: International Crisis Group
Russia vows to boost military cooperation with Mali

While on a trip to Mali, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced more military support for the Malian military junta. Moscow says it will assist Mali in its bid to defeat an Islamist insurgency in the Sahel.

Source: DW
UN chief ‘deeply regrets’ Mali’s decision to expel senior rights official

The UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Tuesday he deeply regrets Mali’s recent decision to declare the top UN human rights representative as persona non grata.

Source: UN News
Independent rights experts call for probe into Wagner Group’s alleged crimes

Top UN-appointed independent rights experts on Tuesday called on the authorities in Mali to launch an immediate probe into the mass execution of civilians last year, allegedly by Government forces and the Russia-based private military contractor, the Wagner Group.

Source: UN News
Head of MINUSMA speaks to France 24

Mali mission currently unsustainable says representative.

Source: France24
Germany considering earlier exit from Mali mission – newspaper

Defence Minister Boris Pistorius is considering withdrawing Germany's troops from the U.N. stabilisation mission in Mali earlier than planned, since under current conditions they cannot fulfill their mandate, he told the Sueddeutsche Zeitung in comments published on Monday.

Source: Reuters (Paywall)
Mali defends Russian ties and opposes options for UN force

Mali’s foreign minister defended the military government’s cooperation with Russia on Friday and rejected three options proposed by the U.N. chief to reconfigure the U.N. peacekeeping force in the west African country where Al-Qaida and Islamic State extremist groups are driving insecurity.

Source: AP
Mali gets more warplanes, helicopters from Russia

Mali’s military rulers received more warplanes and helicopters from Russia Thursday, an AFP correspondent noted, the latest in a series of deliveries from its new top military and political ally.

Source: The Defense Post
Internal review of MINUSMA – report of the Secretary-General

The UN Secretary-General proposes three options for the reconfiguration of MINUSMA (No 65 ff): Option 1: full capacity to implement the Mission’s mandate in its entirety across all areas of its deployment; Option 2: maintaining focus on the strategic priorities with a consolidated footprint; Option 3: withdrawal of uniformed units and conversion into a special political mission.

Source: S/2023/36