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Mali | Afrika

ZIF kompakt

MINUSMA 2023: In Zukunft größer, gleich groß (aber anders)
oder klein (und politisch)?
| 05/2023

EUTM 2022: Erzwungener Umzug von Bamako nach Niamey | 05/2022

MINUSMA 2022: Zwischen Söldnern und Sanktionen, Putschisten und Extremisten | 05/2022

ZIF kompakt spezial | Mali - Aktuelle Entwicklungen | 03/2022

MINUSMA 2021: Transition, Reform, Terror und Corona | 04/2021

EUTM Mali 2021: Erweiterter Einsatz in der Krisenregion | 04/2021

ZIF kompakt spezial | Diese Woche im Sicherheitsrat: MINUSMA | 06/2019

MINUSMA 2019: Stillstand im Norden, Krise in der Mitte von Mali | 05/2019

EUTM Mali 2019: Erfolgreich im Rahmen des Mandats | 05/2019

MINUSMA 2018: Wahlen, Friedensprozess und Terroranschläge | 04/2018

MINUSMA: Die UN-Mission in Mali im Wahljahr 2018 | 11/2017

EUSTAMS Mali - Ein Novum im EU-Krisenmanagement  | 09/2017

Kritische Zeiten für Stabilisierung: die Bundeswehr liefert einen wichtigen Beitrag zur UN-Friedensmission in Mali | 01/2017

MINUSMA in Mali: Europäisches Engagement bei der UN für Frieden im Sahel | 06/2015

EU-Missionen in Afrika: EUCAP Sahel Niger und EUCAP Sahel Mali | 05/2014


Aktuelle Einsätze

G5 Sahel Joint Force
Force conjointe du G5 Sahel / FC-G5S (Chad, Burkina Faso, Mauritania, Mali, Niger)
Beginn: 07/17
Zum Einsatz

UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (UN-geführt)
Mandatiert: 04/13 - 12/23
Zum Einsatz

EUCAP Sahel Mali
EU Capacity Building Mission in Mali (EU)
Mandatiert seit: 04/14
Zum Einsatz

African Union Mission to Mali und the Sahel (AU)
Mandatiert seit: 08/13
Zum Einsatz

EU Training Mission in Mali (EU)
Mandatiert seit: 01/13
Zum Einsatz


EUCAP Sahel Mali: mandate extended

The Council today adopted a decision extending the mandate of the EU Capacity Building Mission in Mali (EUCAP Sahel Mali) until 31 January 2025, … . In light of the volatile situation in Mali, the Council has also decided to adapt the mission’s mandate so as to take into consideration the political and security situation in the country.

Source: EU Press Release
Report of the Secretary-General on the situation in Mali

[…] The security situation in Mali remains complex, particularly in the centre and the border area between Burkina Faso, Mali and the Niger.

Source: S/2023/21
L'avenir du G5 Sahel en plein brouillard

Le sort du G5 Sahel est plus que jamais incertain. Le chef d'Etat nigérien Mohamed Bazoum, qui doit en prendre la présidence le mois prochain, ne cache pas son scepticisme sur l'utilité de cette organisation.

Source: Africa Intelligence (Paywall)
Mali court sentences 46 Ivorian soldiers to 20 years in prison for conspiracy against government

A court in Mali has sentenced 46 Ivorian troops whose detention in Mali sparked a diplomatic row between the two countries to 20 years in prison, the public prosecutor said Friday. Three women soldiers among the original group detained in July, and who were freed in early September, were sentenced to death in absentia.

Source: France24
Grant to UN Mission in Mali boosts inclusivity for women in peacekeeping

A $1.5 million grant to the UN’s peacekeeping mission in Mali, MINUSMA, announced on Tuesday, is designed to enable a more inclusive environment for women blue helmets serving in the country, while also improving living conditions. 

Source: UN News
UN chief ‘strongly condemns’ deaths of two peacekeepers in ‘heinous attack’

Secretary-General António Guterres “strongly condemns” an attack against a UN police patrol in northern Mali that claimed the lives of two Nigerian peacekeepers, according to his spokesperson.

Source: UN News
Berlin sets Bamako terms for troops to stay in Mali to 2024

German forces will stay in Mali until 2024 only if the junta allows them to operate freely and elections are held, Germany’s defense minister warned Bamako during a visit Thursday.

Source: The Defense Post
European aphasia in the Sahel: stabilising how?

Stabilising fragile states to ward off transnational threats has become the mantra of the last decade. However, the lack of a common agreed-upon definition of what stabilisation truly means leads to a multitude of different interpretations and implementation strategies of such approach. I

Source: KAS
MINUSMA at a crossroads

The UK, Côte d’Ivoire and other nations plan to pull their troops out of the UN peacekeeping mission in Mali, clouding its future as it undergoes internal review. In this Q&A, Crisis Group experts discuss the mission’s challenges and scenarios for what could come next.

Source: ICG
Past lessons crucial to stemming Sahel’s tide of violent extremism

As the AU considers sending more troops to the region, a review of previous strategies is vital.

Source: PSC Insights